Guest Lecture by Dr. S. K. Mathur, Professor - SSE Pune


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GUEST LECTURE By Dr. S. K. Mathur, Professor

Basic Econometrics And Time Series Data Analysis' FDP

Topic: Pure Theory of Trade (Part of MSc. Economics (International Economics), 3rd Semester curriculum) Speaker

The lectures cover the portion of Pure Trade Theory in terms of the various International Trade Models that exist, with a main focus on the Ricardian Model, Hecksher- Ohlin and Hecksher- Ohlin – Vanek Model, The new Trade Theories, and the Krugman’s Model. He introduced the mathematical and the graphical derivation of the above models along with connecting them to real world scenario; to bridge the gap between the theoretical framework and empirical testing methods of the model. Thus, broadening the horizon of possible research in the same field.

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