Educating the Underprivileged Section - SSE Pune


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Educating the Underprivileged Section

Educating the Underprivileged Section

Keeping the objectives of the Digital India campaign in mind, the group decided to target the underprivileged, middle-aged sections of the society and tried to introduce them to the basic concepts of computers (hardware, software, internet functions and Microsoft office) and their applications in day to day life.  We chose a target group which is uncommon and least given importance to.

We conducted multiple sessions with security guards, house maids and their counterparts. We introduced to them the basic functions with the help of presentations and a single practice session on a laptop/computer. We explained in bilingual tones – utilizing Hindi and Marathi (according to the situation).

In the end, we were successful in spreading awareness to a group of 20 people, belonging to the underprivileged middle-aged sector.

The other activity we decided to conduct was a Quiz round with college going girls of the age group (18-22), in an attempt to assess how aware they are about:

  • What is the digital India campaign?
  • What online platforms it plans to encourage?
  • How many government online portals are they aware about?
  • Importance of digital India campaign.

It was a pop quiz, the theme of the quiz wasn’t announced, and only the event was. It was done so as to assess the basic general knowledge among them, and not what they learnt just a day before. (as a part of the process for preparing for the quiz).

The quiz was a success. Video recording was done of this activity.

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