Guest Lecture by Professor P.N.N. Iyer - SSE Pune Symbiosis


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GUEST LECTURE Professor P.N.N. Iyer

Topic: Human Capital as a tool for Globalization Speaker: Professor P.N.N. Iyer

When we walked back after the workshop by Professor P.N.N. Iyer, we were left surprised if he was a musician, academician or a polyglot. Rated unanimously as one of the best workshops held at SSE, Prof. Iyer swayed the students by exuberance and wit.
His approach towards Human Capital and Globalization came as a surprise to all the participants. Never before had we realized human capital had something to do with why Punjab owned maximum Mercs or why there were more Malayalis in the middle-east than there are in Kerala itself!
He connected how Human Capital was connected directly to development in view of the changing global scenario.

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