World Economic Forum Global Shapers Internship - SSE Pune


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World Economic Forum Global Shapers Internship

Basic Econometrics And Time Series Data Analysis' FDP

World Economic Forum - Global Shapers Internship

In these pictures from August 2014, we see Mr. Anirvan Mukherjee (SSE, SY student) addressing the students on the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers’ internship initiative in Pune region. The Global Shapers Community is one of several multi-stakeholder communities at the World Economic Forum. It is a network of Hubs developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, their achievement and their drive to make a contribution to their communities.Global Shapers Fellowship is a six months intensive part-time intervention, taken within the college alongside the regular course, for graduates and post graduates. The program is based on Andragogy-a revolutionary adult learning system, which is self- directed, problem centered and active involvement focused. The program goes beyond mere employability, and creates measurable transformations in the areas of leadership, communication, confidence, public speaking and professionalism.

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