Faculty Research - Symbiosis School of Economics

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Faculty Research

Faculty at SSE are involved in research in various fields. The major research areas that have focused are: Development studies, Urban Development, Rural Development, Sustainable Development goals, policy making, international trade, MSMEs etc. Number of research projects have been successfully carried out by faculty. Over the year, faculty have published their research articles in reputed international journals: more than 50 Scopus indexed journals, 40 book chapters, 2 books and 30 non-indexed journals. Selected publication of Faculty are given below:

Select Publication @ SSE Referred Research Articles:

  • Verma , M., Singh, N., & Majumdar, S. (2024). Slum rehabilitation and sustainable feminine health practices: A case study from an urban slum in India. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 18(2), 180–193.
  • Dash, R. K., Gupta, D. J., & Khandelwal, T. (2024). Revisited the role of foreign aid in capital formation: experience of South Asian countries. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-02709-y
  • Bharti, N., & Kumari, S. (2024). Development of performance evaluation matrix for farmer producer organizations in India. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 73(10), 3300–3318. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPPM-09-2023-0460
  • Dongare, Y., Shende, A., Dhumane, A., Tamboli, M., Rajput, S. D., & Wadne, V. S. (2024). Enhanced Rainfall Prediction with Weighted Linear Units using Advanced Recurrent Neural Network. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(1s), 549–556.
  • Misra, S. B., Kumari, S., & Miglani, V. (2024). Impact of corporate social responsibility on sustainable agriculture and livelihood of farmers. Business Strategy and Development, 7(3). Https://doi.org/10.1002/bsd2.70007
  • Tripathi, S., & Yenneti, K. (2024). Does inequality in urban population distribution lead to income inequality? Evidence from India. Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 8(3), 787–818. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41685-024-00345-7
  • Bishnoi, A., Dash, R. K., Garg, B., & Sahoo, P. (2024). Boosting the Labour-intensive Manufacturing in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 59(34), 96–106.
  • Shankar, V. K., & Sahni, R. (2024). Unleashing the Silent Storm the Dawn of Television in the Bombay–Poona Region, 1972–82. Economic and Political Weekly, 59(33), 57–64.
  • Kumari, S., Chintamani, B. G., & Gurpur, S. (2024). Antecedents for Circular Economy in Sugar Industrial Ecology in Emerging Economy. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 19(6), 2011–2028. Https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsdp.190602
  • Mitra, A., & Tripathi, S. (2024). DO MORE WOMEN FIND EMPLOYMENT AS THE URBAN POPULATION GROWS? Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 19(2), 88–117.
  • Ahmed, N., & Nauriyal, D. K. (2024). The Impact of Parents’ Educational and Occupational Footprints on Children: Evidence from India. Journal of South Asian Development, 19(1), 7–43. https://doi.org/10.1177/09731741231190384
  • Shroff, S., & Miglani, V. (2024). Water-saving and Economic Gains of Micro Irrigation Adoption Scheme “Per Drop More Crop”: A Case of Sugarcane, Banana and Cotton Cultivation in Maharashtra. Economic Affairs (New Delhi), 69(1), 487–502. Https://doi.org/10.46852/0424-2513.2.2024.11
  • Yeolekar-Kadam, B., & Chandiramani, J. (2024). Analysing the Potential of Neighbourhoods in Sustainable Development: A Systematic Review of Interventions. Environment and Urbanization ASIA, 15(1), 121–140. https://doi.org/10.1177/09754253241233806
  • Ahmed, N., & Nauriyal, D. K. (2024). Re-examining Wage Disparities Across Segments of the Indian Labor Market. Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies.
  • Naik, B., Chandiramani, J., & Majumdar, S. (2024). Is India’s higher education system a case of elusive inclusive development? Cogent Education, 11(1).
  • Chandiramani, J., Tripathi, S., Patil, G., Misra, S. B., & Shende, A. (2024). How to transform census towns into economic growth engines: an Indian (Pune) perspective.
  • Kalyan Shankar, V., Deulgaonkar, I., & Sahni, R. (2024). A functional typology of exclusions: why and how women fail to access government schemes in India? Oxford Development Studies, 52(3), 297–309.
  • Misra, S. B., Srinivasan, D., Ghosh, E., Bumb, M., Menon, M., Joseph, P., & Varma, B. G. (2024). Role of SHGS in Political Participation and Community MOBILISATION in Manchar, Maharashtra: A Multifocal Approach. Journal of Rural Development, 43(1), 110–125.
  • Kumari, S., Tripathy, K. K., & Kumbhar, V. (2024). Municipal solid waste management with reference to India: opportunities, challenges and future directions. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 38(2), 165–187.
  • Joshi, R. M., Gupta, D. J., & Mukherjee, S. (2024). A study on the perception of parents on delivery of sex education in India: integrated TISM and MICMAC approach. Cogent Education, 11(1).
  • Asgari, B., Majumdar, S., & Amoah, C. (2024). Efficiency analysis of manufacturing industries in Singapore using the DEA-Malmquist productivity index. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(10).
  • Dash, R. K., & Gupta, D. J. (2024). Do Remittances Have Asymmetric Impacts on Human Development? Panel Evidence from South Asia. International Journal of Economics and Management, 18(2), 145–158.
  • Chandiramani​​, J., Tripathi, S., Benara Misra, S., Patil, G., & Shende, A. (2024). Does inequality exist in attaining sustainable development goals within a city? A case study in Pune city, India. International Journal of Urban Sciences.
  • Chary, S., & Singh, N. (2024). On the role of military spending: an economic thought perspective. Cogent Social Sciences, 10(1).
  • Khare​​, A., Fatma, A., Bedarkar, M., & Bhatt, V. (2024). Contribution of the age-friendly communities in the well-being of the older adults: a study of Pune City. Cities and Health, 8(4), 728–740.
  • Chary, S., & Roy, K. K. (2024). Political regimes and self-reliance in the Indian arms industry. Asian Security, 20(1), 20–38.
  • Kalyan Shankar, V., Sahni, R., & Roy, K. K. (2024). Introducing computers in Indian schools: institutional resistances and the making of a digital divide. Learning, Media and Technology, 49(1), 35–48.
  • Kansra, P., Oberoi, S., Gupta, S. L., & Singh, N. (2024). Factors limiting the application of consumer neuroscience: A systematic review. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 23(1), 31–42.
  • Jadhav, S., & Ghosh, I. (2024). Future prospects of the gravity model of trade: A Bibliometric Review (1993–2021). Foreign Trade Review, 59(1), 26-61.
  • Chintamani, B. G., Yadav, H., & Kumari, S. (2024). Stylized facts of performance measures for sustaining the farmer producer companies in India. Business Strategy & Development, 7(1), e312.
  • Dash, R. K., Gupta, D. J., & Singh, N. (2024). Remittances and environment quality: Asymmetric evidence from South Asia. Research in Globalization, 8, 100182.
  • Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V. G., Deakins, E., Mani, V., & Kamble, S. (2023). Agriculture value chain sustainability during COVID-19: an emerging economy perspective. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 34(2), 280-303.
  • Joshi, G., & Dash, R. K. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of climate investing. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 13(3), 396-407.
  • Kansra, P., & Oberoi, S. (2023). Cost of diabetes and its complications: results from a STEPS survey in Punjab, India. Global Health Research and Policy, 8(1), 1-11.
  • Shankar, V. K., & Sahni, R. (2023). COVID-19 and Female Unpaid Labour. Economic and Political Weekly, 14-17.
  • Singh, N., & Majumdar, S. (2023). Challenges Faced by Self-Help Groups in Employment Generation in Bihar. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 1-18.
  • Patil, G., & Vhavale, A. (2023). Innovative financing and marketing strategies for open spaces–A case of Pune City in India. Business Strategy & Development, 6(2), 158-165.
  • Padhan, H., Sahu, S. K., & Dash, U. (2023). Economic globalization and environmental quality: a study of OECD economies. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25(9), 10123-10142.
  • Kumari, S., Jeble, S., Venkatesh, V. G., Nagarajan, C., & Shi, Y. (2023). Antecedents of agriculture supply chain performance during COVID-19: an emerging economy perspective. Operations Management Research, 16(1), 489-510.
  • Dash, R. K., & Gupta, D. J. (2023). Does Foreign Aid Promote Human Development? Evidence From South Asian Countries. Journal of Economic Development, 48(3), 111-130.
  • Ahmed, N., & Nauriyal, D. K. (2023). Structural and Exchange Occupational Mobility in India, 1994–2018: A Log-Linear Model-Based Analysis. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 02601079231176390.
  • Dhingra, U. G., Bedarkar, M., & Rao, P. (2023). Sustainable restoration strategies for rivers Mula-Mutha, Pune, India-adaptive learnings from global river restoration experiences and thematic analysis. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 33(1-2), 171-203.
  • Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V. G., & Shi, Y. (2023). Virtual technologies adoption to sustain quality in agricultural sector: An emerging economy perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 388, 135988.
  • Dash, R. K., Chandiramani, J., Miglani, V., Mukherjee, S., & Ghosh, B. K. (2022). The Status of Rural Infrastructure: A District Level Study of Maharashtra. Journal of Rural Development, 318-339.
  • Kalyan Shankar, V., Sahni, R., & Roy, K. K. (2023). Introducing computers in Indian schools: institutional resistances and the making of a digital divide. Learning, Media and Technology, 1-14.
  • Kumbhar, V., Patil, A., Kumari, S., & Bharti, N. (2023, August). Systematic Review on Growth of E-Agriculture in Context of Android-Based Mobile Applications. In International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development (pp. 545-553). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  • Ahmed, N., & Nauriyal, D. K. (2023). Occupational and educational mobility among Indian Muslims: Primary survey-based evidence. Millennial Asia, 14(2), 228-259
  • Banerjee, R., Majumdar, S., & Mohammed, Z. (2023). Oil Price Changes and Stock Market Performance in UAE: Evidence of Cointegration Persists in Economic Diversification era. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 13(1), 552
  • Saini, H., Kumar, P., & Oberoi, S. (2023). Welcome to the destination! Social media influencers as cogent determinant of travel decision: A systematic literature review and conceptual framework. Cogent Social Sciences, 9(1), 2240055
  • Ghoshal, I., Ghosh, I., Sinha, U., Jog, S. (2023). FDI Inflows into Select Emerging Market Economies - A Macroeconomic Investigation Using Panel Techniques. Economic and Political Weekly, 58(41), 41-48.
  • John, A., Pujari, V., & Majumdar, S. (2023). Impact of social media marketing on purchasing intentions of luxury brands: the case of millennial consumers in the UAE. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 14(3), 275-293.
  • Shankar, K., Deulgaonkar, I. (2023). Shashikant Ahankari (1953-2023) A Crusader for Rural Healthcare. Economic and Political Weekly, 58(39), 28-30
  • Dash, R. K. (2023). Do remittances crowd-in or crowd-out domestic investment? An empirical analysis of 24 low-income countries. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 14(2), 1177-1193.
  • Chary, S. (2023). The nexus between arms imports, military expenditures and economic growth of the top arms importers in the world: a pooled mean group approach. Journal of Economic Studies. DOI 10.1108/JES-05-2023-0265
  • Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V. G., Tan, F. T. C., Bharathi, S. V., Ramasubramanian, M., & Shi, Y. (2023). Application of machine learning and artificial intelligence on agriculture supply chain: a comprehensive review and future research directions. Annals of Operations Research, 1-45.
  • Khandelwal, T., Hari, K.S., & Dash, R.K. (2023). Determinants of Monetary Policy: An Application of Regime Switching Model. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 19(4), 880-886.
  • Choudhury, N., Majumdar, S., & Ghosh, I. (2023). Evaluating Demand Side Enablers for Medical Tourism: Case Study of Medical Tourists from Bangladesh to Kolkata, India. e-Review of Tourism Research, 20(1), 1-22.
  • Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V. G., & Shi, Y. (2023). A study of sustainable agriculture value chain: a multi-method research perspective. International Journal of Value Chain Management, 14(3), 247-286.
  • Kumari, S., Jeble, S., Venkatesh, V. G., Nagarajan, C., & Shi, Y. (2022). Antecedents of agriculture supply chain performance during COVID-19: an emerging economy perspective. Operations Management Research, 1-22.
  • Timilsina, G., Sahoo, P. and Dash, R.K. (2022) Why Do Indian States Differ in Their Infrastructure Development? Policy Research Working Paper, 10086, World Bank. https://ideas.repec.org/p/wbk/wbrwps/10086.html
  • Joshi, G and Dash, R.K. (2022) Do Emerging Market ETFs Exhibit Higher Tracking Error? Evidence from India, Empirical Economic Letters, 21(3). http://www.eel.my100megs.com/volume-21-number-3.htm
  • Majumdar, S. and Paris, C. M. (2022). Environmental Impact of Urbanization, Bank Credits, and Energy Use in the UAE - A Tourism-Induced EKC Model. Sustainability, 14(13), pp.7834. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14137834
  • Oberoi, S. and Kansra, P. (2022) India’s Incipient Comparative Advantage and Trade Specialization in Pharmaceutical Sector in Comparison to ASEAN. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 56(3), pp.899-906. http//:doi.org/10.5530/ijper.56.3.143
  • Kumari, S., Bharti, N., and Rahaman, S. (2022). Antecedents towards social circular consumption of food wastes in emerging economies: Transition towards food circular economy. Business Strategy and Development, pg-.1-26. https://doi.org/10.1002/bsd2.201
  • Kumbhar, V., Maru, A. and Kumari, S., (2022). Spatial Data Mining-A tool for Spatial Decision Support System in Agriculture Management. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 15(1), pp.128-133. DOI: 10.25103/jestr.151.16
  • Shankar, V.K., Sahni, R., Seshu, M.S., Pai, A., Murthy, L. and Sevekari, T. (2022) Sex Work, COVID-19, and Half-truths. Economic and Political Weekly, 57(19), pp.49-56. https://www.epw.in/journal/2022/19/special-articles/sex-work-covid-19-and-half-truths.html
  • Padhan, H., Sahu, S. K. and Dash, U. (2022). Economic globalization and environmental quality: a study of OECD economies. Environment, Development and Sustainability, pp.1-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-022-02479-0
  • Lu, Z., Gozgor, G., Mahalik, M. K., Padhan, H. and Yan, C. (2022). Welfare gains from international trade and renewable energy demand: Evidence from tAhmed, N., & Nauriyal, D. K. (2023). The Impact of Parents’ Educational and Occupational Footprints on Children: Evidence From India. Journal of South Asian Development, he OECD countries. Energy Economics, 112, pp.106153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2022.106153
  • Fang, J., Gozgor, G., Mahalik, M. K., Mallick, H. and Padhan, H. (2022). Does urbanisation induce renewable energy consumption in emerging economies? The role of education in energy switching policies. Energy Economics, 111, pp.106081. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2022.106081
  • Pingale, V. and Singh, N. (2022). Potential of Dairy Industry with Special Reference to Generating Employment in India. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, pp.1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41027-022-00369-7
  • Ahmed, N., & Nauriyal, D. K. (2023). The Impact of Parents’ Educational and Occupational Footprints on Children: Evidence From India. Journal of South Asian Development, Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V.G., Deakins, E., Mani, V. and Kamble, S. (2021). Agriculture value chain sustainability during COVID-19: an emerging economy perspective. The International Journal of Logistics Management. DOI 10.1108/IJLM-04-2021-0247
  • Shankar, V.K. and Sahni, R. (2021) Sex Work, Sex Trafficking, and Myopia of the State. Economic and Political Weekly, 56(43), pp.53-59. https://www.epw.in/journal/2021/43/special-articles/sex-work-sex-trafficking-and-myopia-state.html
  • Joshi, N. and Ghosh, I. (2021) Determinants of Trade in Services. Journal of Innovative Business and Management, 13(1), pp.72-78. https://doi.org/10.32015/JIBM/2021.13.1.72-78
  • Atri, S., Maity, S., Namburi, A., Sateesh, A., Gore, P. and Miglani, V. (2021). Effectiveness of MGNREGS in COVID-19 Lockdown of 2020: A Case of Selected Villages of Palghar District, Maharashtra. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 76(3), pp.371-389. https://isaeindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/03-Article-Varun-Miglani.pdf
  • Dash, R.K. (2021) Do Remittances Crowd-In or Crowd-Out Domestic Investment? An Empirical Analysis of 24 Low-Income Countries, Journal of the Knowledge Economy. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13132-022-00948-5
  • Misra, S.B. (2021) What’s Ailing Primary Education in Rural India: A Case Study of a Government-run Primary School in Allapur Village, Telangana, Economic and Political Weekly- Engage Article, 56(8). https://www.epw.in/engage/article/whats-ailing-primary-education-rural-india-telangana-case-study
  • Bharati, S. and Batra, R. (2021) How Misuse of Statistics Can Spread Misinformation a Study of Misrepresentation of COVID-19 Data, International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 10(2), pp.790-803. http://www.modern-journals.com/index.php/ijma/article/view/791
  • Thadani, K. (2021) Assessing the State of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Programm in Meghalaya: An Exploratory Analysis, International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10(2), pp.771 -789. http://www.modern-journals.com/index.php/ijma/article/view/790
  • Dash, R.K. (2020), Impact of Remittances on Domestic Investment: A Panel Study of Six South Asian Countries, South Asia Economic Journal, 21(1), pp.7-30. https://doi.org/10.1177/1391561420903199
  • Chavan, M., Chandiramani, J. and Nayak, S. (2019), Assessing the State of Physical Infrastructure In Progressive Urbanization Strategy: SAP-LAP Analysis, Habitat International, 89, pp102002. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2019.102002
  • Shankar, V.K. (2019) The Fine-print of Education - Employment Linkages, Economic and Political Weekly, 54(17). https://www.epw.in/engage/article/all-i-want-one-job-fine-print-education%E2%80%93employment
  • Das, D. (2019) Multilayer of Suppliers Fixed Costs and Spatial Competition in The Upstream Market as a Source of Retailers Buying Power, Studies in Microeconomics. 7(2), pp.210-226. https://doi.org/10.1177/2321022218820439
  • Airy, A., and Chandiramani, J. (2018), Urban Transport Policy in India: A Review, International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 5(3-4), pp.399-414. https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1504/IJPSPM.2019.101057
  • Shankar, V.K. and Sahni, R. (2018) Waste Pickers and Right to Waste, Economic and Political Weekly, 53(48). https://www.epw.in/journal/2018/48/special-articles/waste-pickers-and-%E2%80%98right-waste%E2%80%99-indian.html
  • Pradhan, K.C. and Mukherjee, S. (2018) The Income Transition in Rural India: Evidence from ARIS/REDS Surveys, Journal of Economic Development, 43(2), pp.45-64. DOI: 10.35866/caujed.2018.43.2.003
  • Sekhar, C.S., Tripathi, A. and Bhatt, Y. (2018), Ensuring MSP to Farmers Are Deficiency Payment an Option? Economic and Political Weekly, 53(51). https://www.epw.in/journal/2018/51/review-rural-affairs/ensuring-msp-farmers.html
  • Sahoo, P. and Dash, R.K. (2017) What Drives India's Surge in Service Exports? The World Economy, 40(2), pp. 439-461. https://doi.org/10.1111/twec.12411
  • Behl, A. and Pal, A. (2016) Analysing the Barriers towards Sustainable Financial Inclusion using Mobile Banking in Rural India, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(15), pp.1-17. DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i15/92100
  • Miglani, V. (2016) Data Gap on Contract Farming in India, Artha Vijnana, 58(3), pp. 261-266. DOI:10.21648/arthavij/2016/v58/i3/147832
  • Pradhan, K. (2016) Ricardian Approach to Fiscal Sustainability in India, MARGIN: The Journal of Applied Economic Research, 10(4), pp.499-529. https://doi.org/10.1177/0973801016659799
  • Misra, S.B. and Shukla, O.P. (2016) Rural Non-Farm Employment in Maharashtra: Trends and Determinants (1993-94 to 2009-10), Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 58(3), pp.405–432. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41027-016-0030-7


  • Tripathy, K. K., Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V. G., Jayalakshmi, R., & Sukumaran Nair, M. P. (Eds.). (2023). World Healthcare Cooperatives: Challenges and Opportunities. Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80455-774-720231013,
  • Kumari S. and Tripathy K.K. (2022). Agricultural Input and Marketing. Scientific Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN:9789390749386
  • Chandiramani, J and Dash, R.K. (2019). Transforming India 2030: Strategies for Sustainable Development Goals, Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi. ISBN:9789381891643.
  • Jha, R. and Chandiramani, J. (2012). Perspectives in Urban Development: Issues in Infrastructure, Planning and Governance, Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi. ISBN:9789390749386.

Book Chapters:

  • Kumbhar, V., Shende, A., Tamhankar, P., Raut, Y., & Mangore, A. (2024). A state-of-the-art 360° run-down of cloud, edge, dew, and fog computing. In Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using the Internet of Things. Https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003480181-6
  • Shende, A. P., Kumbhar, V., Tamhankar, P., Raut, Y., & Mangore, A. (2024). Software-defined network’s security concerns: A meticulous synopsis. In Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using the Internet of Things. Https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003480181-12
  • Oberoi, S., Kansra, P., & Awasthi, V. (2024). A bibliometric analysis on research trends in neuromarketing: Status and future directions. In Digital Influence on Consumer Habits: Marketing Challenges and Opportunities. Https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80455-342-820241005
  • Kumbhar, V., Kumari, S., Kumar, P., Parihar, K., & Pillai, S. V. (2024). Sustainable agriculture with special emphasis on risk management. In Emerging Technologies and Marketing Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture. Https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-4864-2.ch003
  • Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V. G., Shi, Y., Agarwal, H., & Jain, N. (2024). Bamboo production and value chain for quality life in the era of climate change: A circular way for social impact. In Quality of Life and Climate Change: Impacts, Sustainable Adaptation, and Social-Ecological Resilience.
  • Oberoi, S., Arora, S., Verma, B., & Roy, K. K. (2024). What do we know about artificial intelligence and blockchain technology integration in the healthcare industry? In Driving Decentralization and Disruption with Digital Technologies. Https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-3253-5.ch009
  • Tripathy, K. K., Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V. G., Sukumaran Nair, M. P., & Jayalakshmi, R. (2023). Introduction: World Healthcare Cooperatives: Challenges and Opportunities. World Healthcare Cooperatives: Challenges and Opportunities, 1-9.
  • Thadani, K., & Patnaik, M. (2023). Spain Healthcare Cooperatives: Inspiring Model for the Developing Countries. In World Healthcare Cooperatives: Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 137-152). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V. G., Kothmire, P. S., Nair, M. S., & Tripathy, K. K. (2023). Initiatives and Learnings from World Healthcare Models. In World Healthcare Cooperatives: Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 63-73). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Singh, N., & Mishra, A. (2023). Successful Model of Healthcare Cooperative Models: A Road Map–Abdur Razzaque Ansari Memorial (ARAM) Hospital by Handloom Weavers Jharkhand. In World Healthcare Cooperatives: Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 119-136). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V. G., & Shi, Y. (2023). The Sustainability roadmap for the food industry 4.0. In Smart Food Industry: The Blockchain for Sustainable Engineering (pp. 42-49). CRC Press.
  • Oberoi, S. and Kansra, P. (2022). Blockchain Technology in the Insurance Industry. In Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities of Blockchain Technology in Banking and Insurance, pp.160-172. IGI Global.
  • Kumari S., Bharti N. and Yadav, H. (2022). Modelling Agriculture Exports in Emerging Economy through Cluster Approach. In India's Agriculture and Food Exports, pp.181-200. Bloomsbury Publisher.
  • Gokhale, P., Singh, N., and Pingale, V. (2021) Innovation in Teaching and Learning for The Future, Sustainable, Quality Education: Case Studies from Maharashtra. In (eds) Multidisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Development Goals Some Issues and Reflections. Kindle Direct Publishing, India. ISBN: 9798513908517
  • Nagraj, D. and Ghosh, I. (2021). Trade Costs Between India and ASEAN: A Gravity Framework. In Trade, Investment and Economic Growth, pp.73-90. Springer.
  • Ghoshal, I., Jog, S., Sinha, U., and Ghosh, I. (2021). Macroeconomic Factors Affecting FDI Inflows into Emerging Economies - A Panel Study. In Trade, Investment and Economic Growth, pp.109-119. Springer.
  • Ghosh, I., Chakrabarti, S. and Ghoshal, I. (2021). COVID-19 and Food Security - The Way Ahead for India-Africa Agro-Trade Partnership. In Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Trade, pp 475-490. Springer.
  • Sahoo, P. and Dash, R.K., (2021). Impact of FPI on Economic Growth: A Study 82 Developing Countries, in (eds) Yoshino, N., Paramanik, R,N, and Kumar, A.S., Studies in International Economics and Finance: Essays in Honour of Prof. Bandi Kamaiah, Springer.
  • Ghosh, I., Chakrabarti, S., and Ghoshal, I. (2020). Prospects, challenges, and policy directions for food security in India-Africa agricultural trade. In Handbook of research on globalized agricultural trade and new challenges for food security, pp.400-424. IGI Global.
  • Ghoshal, I. and Ghosh, I. (2020). Incentives to Attract Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Economies: A Causality Analysis for the Indian Case. In Foreign Direct Investments: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications pp.1-36. IGI Global.
  • Khandelwal, T. (2019). India Towards a Cashless Economy. In (eds.) Bhel, A and Nayak, S., Maintaining Financial Stability in Times of Risk and Uncertainty, IGI Global.
  • Chandiramani, J. and Nayak, S. (2018). Big Data Analytics and Internet of Things for Urban Transportation: A Case of Pune City, Maharashtra, India. In (eds) Dey, N. and Tamane, S., Handbook of Research on Big Data Analytics for Smart and Connected Cities, IGI Global.
  • Ghoshal, I. and Ghosh, I. (2018). Minerals and Fisheries in the Arctic: A Geo- Economic Comparison of India and China. In (eds.) Erokhin, V., Gao, T and Zhang, X., Handbook of Research on International Collaboration, Economic Development, and Sustainability in the Arctic, IGI Global.
  • Chandiramani, J. and Patil, G. (2018). Crowdfunding: Can It Support Urban Local Bodies in India? In (eds.) Benna, U.G. and Benna, A.U., Crowdfunding and Sustainable Urban Development in Emerging Economies, IGI Global.
  • Ghoshal, I. and Ghosh, I. (2017). Incentives to Attract Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Economies: A Causality Analysis for the Indian Case. In (eds) Outward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Emerging Market Economies, IGI Global.
  • Chandiramani, J. and Aanchal, A. (2017). Urbanization and Its Impact on Socio-Economic Growth in South Asia. In In (eds.) Benna, U.G. and Benna, A.U., Urbanization and Its Impact on Socio- Economic Growth in Developing Regions, IGI Global.

Conference Proceeding:

  • Transforming India 2030: Strategies for Sustainable Development Goals, Conference held at SSE February 2017.
  • Future of Employment: Challenges and Opportunities (FECO), Conference held at SSE February 2019.
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