Industry Visit | Symbiosis School of Economics, Pune

Industry visit to Pune APMC

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Industry visit to Pune APMC

On 07 October, 2019, 13 B. Sc. (Economics), Agricultural Economics Course students along with Dr. Varun Miglani visited Pune Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) located in Gultekdi, Marketyard, Pune-37. The Pune APMC yard is spread across 190 acres.

The visit helped to understand how the auction takes place, and prices determined? SSE thanks K. D. Chaudhary Company (Licensed trader for pomegranates) for allowing us to witness the auction and understand the functions it performs. Interaction with farmers revealed that farmers were satisfied with the auction as the mode of price determination.

Industry visit to pune APMC

farmers discussing prices at pune APMC

farmers discussing auction at pune APMC

students discussing how auction works at pune APMC

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