Program Educational Objectives: M.Sc (Economics) - SSE Pune

M.Sc (Economics1) – Programme Outcomes

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M.Sc. (Economics) – Programme Outcomes

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

The programme aims to develop future Economists and thought-leaders who will be able to solve dynamic socio-economic problems by exercising inclusivity at local and global levels,skilled through a rigorous, interdisciplinary, and internationally benchmarked curriculum.

  1. To continuously enhance academic rigor and research outcomes
  2. To foster a spirit of scientific inquiry and creativity
  3. To imbibe the values of inclusion and sustainability
  4. To inculcate lifelong learnings
  5. To nurture future leaders and problem-solvers to become sensitized global citizens

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)

  1. The alumni will be able to assess and resolve concerns related to the economy, business, public policy and society.
  2. The alumni will be able to objectively and critically examine and deduce information pertaining to the core and applied learnings from the rigorous, and internationally benchmarked curriculum.
  3. The alumni will be able to critically apply analytical, quantitative and problem- solving skills that they have learned during the programme. They will be proficient in various software for statistical computing and graphics.
  4. The alumni will be able to come up with strong and effective insights and be able to evaluate policy decisions with the research acumen that they have developed through holistic learning outcomes.
  5. The alumni will be able to further their career path through the transferable skills that they have acquired through the curriculum.

Program Outcomes (PO)

  1. To facilitate the students to evaluate issues related to the economy, business, public policy and society that are embedded in SDGs.
  2. To rigorously train students to objectively and critically examine and deduce information pertaining to the core, interdisciplinary and applied learnings.
  3. To replenish the analytical and quantitative abilities and problem-solving aptitude through academics.
  4. To support students to undertake research-oriented activities and evaluate policy decisions motivated through holistic learning outcomes.
  5. To empower the students by honing transferable skills for advanced career pursuits.

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